Workman's Compensation How to Keep Occupational Injuries from Damaging Your Business

I hadn't really thought about workers compensation kenosha wi until a month ago when I experienced my very first workplace accident. I was stocking the warehouse shelves when it occurred. A coworker in the opposite passage was driving the forklift to place a pallet, and in doing so bumped a box of CD's off the shelf. The crate crashed into my back. The brunt force smacked me to the concrete hard. As soon as I collided with the concrete I grasped something was horribly wrong. The pain was sudden and sharp. But my thoughts wandered elsewhere, because as a person without insurance I assumed I wouldn't be able to pay for health care if my boss ascertained some way to get out of paying doctor bills for my newly injured shoulder. Let's just say I've never trusted upper-management. Luckily, that wouldn't be an issue. As it turned out, my company had wisely bought workers comp insurance. So basically I had no reason to worry. My hospital bills were soon to be taken care of. And the greatest thing about being covered was the insurance company reimbursed me for lost wages because of my accident.

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